graphic of pen tool

The Creative Writing Certificate is a program concentration that seeks to expose learners to a variety of creative writing genres, including poetry, creative nonfiction, drama, fiction, and screenwriting. Four tracks are offered in the program:

  1. Poetry Writing,
  2. Fiction Writing,
  3. Creative Nonfiction Writing, and
  4. Screenwriting.

For students in each track, Introduction to Creative Writing is required, followed by one genre writing course, one literature/theater course in the chosen track, one program elective, and one capstone course.

Our unique capstone options include a choice of one of the following:

ENGLI 2210, Literary Journal: Prairie Light Review: an experiential course where students oversee the production of the journal, including acquisitions, copy editing, design, and marketing;

ENGLI 2261, Writing for Publication: a market-driven course that exposes the inner-workings of the publishing industry to writers seeking to release their work to the world;

ENGLI 2860, Internship: a hands-on course where students work with employers on real-world creative writing projects that will impact the business's mission and/or bottom line.

MPTV 1820, The Business of Screenwriting: a market-driven course about the inner workings of the film industry as it relates to professional screenwriting including finding an agent, pitching, collaborating with producers and understanding contracts. 

For more information about English, please visit the program page.

Certificate Requirements

Field of Study Code: ENGLI.CER.CW

Program Requirements
ENGLI 2250Introduction to Creative Writing3
Emphasis Courses
Select one genre-writing course:
ENGLI 2251Fiction Writing3
or ENGLI 2252 Poetry Writing
or ENGLI 2253 Creative Nonfiction Writing
or MPTV 2022 Screenwriting for Short Forms
or MPTV 2032 Screenwriting for Feature Films
Select one literature or theater course:
ENGLI 1130Introduction to Literature3
or ENGLI 1135 Introduction to Film Art
or ENGLI 1145 Film History
or ENGLI 1150 Short Fiction
or ENGLI 1151 Novel
or ENGLI 1152 Poetry
or ENGLI 1153 Drama
or ENGLI 1154 Film As Literature
or ENGLI 1156 Science Fiction
or ENGLI 1157 Children's Literature
or ENGLI 1159 Greek Mythology
or ENGLI 1160 Native American Literature
or ENGLI 2226 World Literature
or ENGLI 2227 Modern European Literature
or ENGLI 2228 Shakespeare
or ENGLI 2234 Film Directors and Authorship
or ENGLI 2235 Film Genres
or ENGLI 2236 World Cinema
or THEAT 1100 Theater Appreciation
or THEAT 1105 Improvisational Acting
or THEAT 1111 Acting I
or THEAT 2211 Repertory Acting
Program Electives 1
Select three credits from the following:3
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Film Art
Film History
Short Fiction
Film As Literature
Science Fiction
Children's Literature
Greek Mythology
Multicultural Literatures of the U.S.
Literature, Gender, and Sexualities
Selected Topics I
Creating a Literary Journal: Prairie Light Review
British Literature to 1800
British Literature From 1800 Through The Present
American Literature From the Colonial Period to the Civil War
American Literature From the Civil War to the Present
World Literature
Film Directors and Authorship
Fiction Writing
Poetry Writing
Creative Nonfiction Writing
Writing for Publication
Non-Western Literature
Screenwriting for Short Forms
Screenwriting for Feature Films
Theater Appreciation
Acting I
Improvisational Acting
Repertory Acting
Capstone Course
ENGLI 2210Creating a Literary Journal: Prairie Light Review 2-3
or ENGLI 2261 Writing for Publication
or ENGLI 2860 Internship (Career & Technical Ed)
or MPTV 1820 Selected Topics I
Total Credits14-15

Students choose from a wide-range of literature courses to learn the techniques of published writers and develop deep reading skills. Theater electives develop characterization and dialog writing skills. Film courses assist in the study of plot, characterization, and visualization techniques. Students can also choose to take a genre writing course outside of their track.


General Creative Writing Certificate

Genre Writing Course
ENGLI 2253Creative Nonfiction Writing3
or ENGLI 2251 Fiction Writing
or ENGLI 2252 Poetry Writing
or MPTV 2022 Screenwriting for Short Forms
or MPTV 2032 Screenwriting for Feature Films
Literature/Theater Course
ENGLI 1130Introduction to Literature3
or ENGLI 1135 Introduction to Film Art
or ENGLI 1145 Film History
or ENGLI 1150 Short Fiction
or ENGLI 1151 Novel
or ENGLI 1152 Poetry
or ENGLI 1153 Drama
or ENGLI 1154 Film As Literature
or ENGLI 1156 Science Fiction
or ENGLI 1157 Children's Literature
or ENGLI 1159 Greek Mythology
or ENGLI 1160 Native American Literature
or ENGLI 1161 Multicultural Literatures of the U.S.
or ENGLI 1165 Literature, Gender, and Sexualities
or ENGLI 2220 British Literature to 1800
or ENGLI 2221 British Literature From 1800 Through The Present
or ENGLI 2223 American Literature From the Colonial Period to the Civil War
or ENGLI 2224 American Literature From the Civil War to the Present
or ENGLI 2226 World Literature
or ENGLI 2227 Modern European Literature
or ENGLI 2228 Shakespeare
or ENGLI 2234 Film Directors and Authorship
or ENGLI 2235 Film Genres
or ENGLI 2236 World Cinema
or ENGLI 2262 Non-Western Literature