NURSI 1107
Review of Basic Nursing Skills I
1 Credit Hour

Students will review basic nursing skills presented in the first semester of the the Associate Degree Nursing Program. An emphasis will be placed on patient safety, patient and family education, and promotion of safe and effective care. (1 lab hour)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1130 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

NURSI 1108
Review of Basic Nursing Skills II
1 Credit Hour

Students will review nursing skills and related concepts from the first and second semester. An emphasis on patient safety, education, and safe and effective care. (1 lab hour)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1220 and NURSI 1230, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

NURSI 1109
Link to Success
2 Credit Hours

Students will review the fundamental concepts and essential nursing skills. Students will be provided with success strategies on test taking, time management, and organizational skills for readmission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program. (2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1120 and NURSI 1150, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

NURSI 1120
Role of the Nurse I
1 Credit Hour

Students will be introduced to essential concepts and core values of the nursing profession within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Emphasis will be placed on nursing process, communication, health promotion, practice standards, and the various roles of the nurse in the delivery of healthcare. (1 lecture hour)

Prerequisite: Admission to the ADN program. MICRO 1420 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 1140 and NURSI 1150; and PSYCH 1100 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 1100.

NURSI 1130
Introduction to Core Concepts
4 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to essential concepts and core values of health within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Emphasis will be placed on the concepts of development, functional ability, nutrition, elimination, homeostasis, care giving, and safety. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 2 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1120, NURSI 1140, and NURSI 1150, all with a grade of C or better or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 1170; and PSYCH 1100 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 1100.

NURSI 1140
Physical Assessment
2 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to components of completing a health assessment of individuals with an emphasis on cultural diversity and age-related differences. The application of cognitive, psychomotor, communication, and critical thinking skills in conducting a health assessment will also be explained and assessed. Additionally, students will learn how to identify and communicate both normal and abnormal findings found on health assessments. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Admission to the ADN program. MICRO 1420 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 1120 and NURSI 1150; and PSYCH 1100 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 1100.

NURSI 1150
Pathophysiology-Altered Health Concepts
3 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to distinguish between normal and altered physiology, including disease states and alterations in health status throughout the lifespan of diverse populations. This course will also provide an overview of common disease processes and their impact on homeostasis. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Admission to the ADN program. MICRO 1420 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 1120 and NURSI 1140; and PSYCH 1100 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 1100.

NURSI 1160
Foundations of Pharmacology
2 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to the principles of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and medication administration. Students learn preparations for safe administration of pharmaceutical agents to populations across the lifespan. The emphasis is on drug classification, dosage calculation, drug action, side effects, nursing implications, and patient education. (2 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Nursing program is required. NURSI 1120, NURSI 1140, and NURSI 1150, all with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; and MICRO 1420 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in MICRO 1420; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 1170
Nursing Pharmacology and Disease Process
3 Credit Hours

Students will explore the relationship between medications and disease processes. Students will focus their knowledge on preparation for the safe administration of pharmaceutical agents to acute and chronic populations across the lifespan. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1150, NURSI 1140, and NURSI 1120, all with a grade of C or better or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 1130; and PSYCH 1100 with a grade of C or better or equivalent, or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 1100. Consent of instructor is required.

NURSI 1220
Health and Illness Concepts I
5 Credit Hours

This course will expand upon the essential concepts of health and illness within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Emphasis will be placed on human response to chronic alterations in multidimensional processes and restoration of homeostasis. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 4 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1130 and NURSI 1170, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; PSYCH 2237 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 2237; ENGLI 1101 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in ENGLI 1101; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 1230
Family Health Concepts I
5 Credit Hours

This course will expand upon the conceptual principles and values of providing multidimensional nursing care to individuals, children, and families within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and the environment. Emphasis will be placed on health, wellness, and illness throughout the lifespan. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 4 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1130 and NURSI 1170, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; PSYCH 2237 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 2237; ENGLI 1101 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in ENGLI 1101; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2120
Health and Illness Concepts II
5 Credit Hours

Students will explore concepts of health and illness within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Concepts emphasized relate to the human response to acute alterations in multidimensional processes and restoration of homeostasis. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 4 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1220 and NURSI 1230 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; and SPEEC 1100 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in SPEEC 1100, or SPEEC 1120 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment in SPEEC 1120; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2130
Family Health Concepts II
5 Credit Hours

The course will continue to explore conceptual principles and values of providing multidimensional nursing care to individuals, children, and families. Concepts will be contextualized within the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and the environment. Concept emphasis is on health, wellness, and illness throughout the lifespan. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 4 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 1220 and NURSI 1230 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; and SPEEC 1100 with a grade of C or better or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in SPEEC 1100, or SPEEC 1120 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment in SPEEC 1120; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2160
Pharmacology & Disease Processes
1 Credit Hour

Students will explore the relationship between medication and disease processes. Emphasis will be on reactions to medications, both therapeutically and adversely, in order to predict potential drug interactions. The focus is on critically ill patients across the lifespan, emphasizing medication management of intravenous therapy, drug titration, parenteral nutrition, and medication administration via central lines and epidural routes. (1 lecture hour)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Nursing Program is required. NURSI 1160, NURSI 1220, and NURSI 1230, all with a grade of C or better or equivalent or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2320
Complex Health Problems
4 Credit Hours

This course will provide analysis of complex health and illness concepts within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. (2 lecture hours, 6 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 2120 and NURSI 2130, both with a grade of C or better or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 2330; Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses with a grade of C or better or equivalent, or concurrent enrollment in Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2330
Role of the Nurse II
1 Credit Hour

This course will continue to provide analysis of concepts and core values of the nursing profession within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Emphasis is placed on leadership, professionalism, collaboration, and safety as a member of an interdisciplinary health care team in a dynamic healthcare system. (1 lecture hour)

Prerequisite: NURSI 2120 and NURSI 2130, both with a grade of C or better or equivalent; concurrent enrollment in NURSI 2320; Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses with a grade of C or better or equivalent, or concurrent enrollment in Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses; or consent of instructor.

NURSI 2340
Clinical Decision Making Practicum
2 Credit Hours

This course will assimilate concepts within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and environment. Emphasis will be placed on accountability, collaboration, and management of patients. Students will begin transitioning to the role of registered professional nurse under the guidance and supervision of a nurse preceptor. (6 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: NURSI 2320 and NURSI 2330, both with a grade of C or better or equivalent; Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses with a grade of C or better or equivalent, or concurrent enrollment in Humanities course within list of approved Global/Multicultural Studies courses.