doctors performing simulated operation

The Surgical Technology Program prepares competent entry-level surgical technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.  The curriculum incorporates the Commission of Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) professional standards, guidelines, and competencies needed for surgical technology employment. Students must complete all courses in this program with a grade of C or higher.

For more information about Surgical Technology, please visit the program page.

Degree Requirements

Field of Study Code: SURGT.AAS

Complete the following courses with a grade of "C" or higher.

Program Requirements
CSPD 1111Central Sterile Processing and Distribution3
CSPD 1211Central Sterile Processing and Distribution Practicum3
SURGT 1001Surgical Asepsis and Sterile Technique4
SURGT 1101Surgical Health and Technological Sciences3
SURGT 1102Surgical Technology Skills3
SURGT 1201Surgical Technology Concepts3
SURGT 1202Surgical Technology Practicum I3
SURGT 1301Surgical Pathophysiology and Patient Procedures I3
SURGT 1302Surgical Technology Practicum II3
SURGT 1401Surgical Pathophysiology and Patient Procedures II3
SURGT 1402Surgical Technology Practicum III3
SURGT 1500Professional Practice4
General Education
Select any applicable courses to the AAS degree from the following categories:
Physical/Life Science
ANAT 1551
ANAT 1552
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
or ANAT 1571
ANAT 1572
Anatomy and Physiology With Cadaver I
and Anatomy and Physiology With Cadaver II
HLTHS 1110Biomedical Terminology (Contemporary Life Skill)3
SURGT 1000Ethical Considerations in the Health Care Industry3
Social and Behavioral Sciences3
Mathematics 13-5
Total Credits64-66

For this degree, this may include MATH 1102 Mathematics for Health Sciences, MATH 1104 Mathematics for Horticulture, or MATH 1120 Mathematical Foundations for Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonographers.

General Education Requirements

For general education requirements for the A.A.S. degree, please visit the A.A.S. degree catalog page.

Suggested Semester Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredits
SURGT 1001 Surgical Asepsis and Sterile Technique 4
ENGLI 1101
English Composition I
or Workplace Writing
MATH 1100 Business Mathematics (or higher) 3
ANAT 1551
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
or Anatomy and Physiology With Cadaver I
Second Semester
CSPD 1111 Central Sterile Processing and Distribution 3
SURGT 1000 Ethical Considerations in the Health Care Industry 3
ANAT 1552
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
or Anatomy and Physiology With Cadaver II
HLTHS 1110 Biomedical Terminology 3
CSPD 1211 Central Sterile Processing and Distribution Practicum 3
Third Semester
SURGT 1101 Surgical Health and Technological Sciences 3
SURGT 1102 Surgical Technology Skills 3
SPEEC 1100
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
or Small-Group Communication
or Introduction to Business Communication
SURGT 1201 Surgical Technology Concepts 3
SURGT 1202 Surgical Technology Practicum I 3
Fourth Semester
SURGT 1301 Surgical Pathophysiology and Patient Procedures I 3
SURGT 1302 Surgical Technology Practicum II 3
Gen EdSocial and Behavioral Sciences 3
SURGT 1401 Surgical Pathophysiology and Patient Procedures II 3
SURGT 1402 Surgical Technology Practicum III 3
Fifth Semester
SURGT 1500 Professional Practice 4
 Total Credits64

Program specific prerequisite course.

Program Milestones

First Semester

  • Consider joining or visiting with a professional, cultural or interest-based Student Club.

Second Semester

  • If you have not done so yet this semester, it is important to make an appointment with a Faculty or Program Advisor to discuss your future academic progress.