SPEEC 0495
Preparation for College Speech for Non-Native Speakers
3 Credit Hours

This course is designed primarily to prepare students, whose first language is not English, for college-level speech courses. Introductory speaking exercises and speeches are included in the course work. This course is intended for students who are high school graduates and whose spoken English is most likely comprehensible to native speakers. May be repeated up to nine total credit hours. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ESL 0958 or equivalent, or consent of instructor recommended.

SPEEC 1100 (C2 900)
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
3 Credit Hours

Examines basic concepts of the oral communication process. The class includes communication theory as well as speech preparation and delivery. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: General Education: Oral Communication (A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 1110
Oral Interpretation
3 Credit Hours

Basic techniques of the oral performance of literature with emphasis on content analysis and performance. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), General Education: Fine Arts (A.A.S., A.G.S.), General Education: Humanities (A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 1120 (MC 902)
Small-Group Communication
3 Credit Hours

An introduction to the theory and practice of small group communication. Emphasis is placed on social norms, the nature and types of groups, and leadership development. Students are expected to demonstrate both practical and theoretical understanding of problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict management. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), General Education: Oral Communication (A.A.S., A.G.S.), Human Relations (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 1130
3 Credit Hours

Application of motivational principles to the preparation and presentation of persuasive messages. Includes analysis of and adaptation to audiences and occasions, analysis of persuasive messages, analysis of obstacles to persuasion and the means of overcoming them. (3 lecture hours)

SPEEC 1140 (MC 913)
Public Relations
3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to introduce students to the public relations field. Covers topics from the nature of the work done by public relations practitioners to the description and use of the tools involved. Also, the various functions of public relations are examined including the overall process of research, planning and decision making, action and communication, and evaluation. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 1150
Introduction to Business Communication
3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to help students understand communication behaviors and concepts in order to develop effective communication skills in the business environment. It cover topics related to communication between employees and their supervisors, communication within work groups, and public communication. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: General Education: Oral Communication (A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 1160 (MC 901)
Interpersonal Communication
3 Credit Hours

An introduction to the basic theories and concepts relevant to face to face interaction. Emphasis is placed on the role of communication in the creation, maintenance, and termination of social, romantic, familial, and professional relationships. (3 lecture hours)

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 1180
Sports Communication
3 Credit Hours

Introduction to Sports Communication and research in contemporary cultures. Theoretical frameworks currently used in sports communication research, both historically and currently, will be discussed, and students are expected to apply theory to Sports Communication topic areas. (3 lecture hours)

SPEEC 1190
Applied Forensics
1 Credit Hour

Participation in forensics program. Application of public speaking, oral interpretation and debate skills to competitive situations. This course may be taken four three times for credit. (2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 1800
Special Project
3 Credit Hours

Special project courses cover topics not otherwise covered by general education courses and other courses in the Catalog for the discipline. These courses require direct experience and focused reflection in an in-depth study of a specific discipline topic and/or the critical analysis of contemporary issues in the discipline. They are targeted to self-selected students with an interest in the subject matter and involve active participation. The course delivery incorporates an experiential component of no less than 30 percent but not to exceed 70 percent (to be determined by the disciplines). This experiential component may include field studies, interdisciplinary learning, and/or the practical application of discipline-related concepts, theories, principles and methods with a specific focus. All courses require an orientation session to deliver academic and experiential information (syllabus, academic requirements, field preparation, logistics, etc.)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 1820
Selected Topics
1-4 Credit Hours

Introductory exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in college course schedule. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (1 to 4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Test Score-Category One.

SPEEC 1840
Independent Study
1-4 Credit Hours

Exploration and analysis of topics within Speech Communication to meet individual student-defined course description, goals, objectives, topical outline and methods of evaluation in coordination with and approved by the instructor. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (1 to 4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor is required. Course requires Reading Placement Test Score-Category One.

SPEEC 2130
Advanced Public Speaking
3 Credit Hours

An interactive course exploring persuasive and informative speech preparation and delivery. Students learn to use visual aids effectively, handle questions and answers, analyze communication events, and understand the media. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: SPEEC 1100 or consent of instructor. Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 2160
Argumentation and Debate
3 Credit Hours

Develops and improves argumentative and critical-thinking skills in communication settings. Topics include analysis of discourse, development of sound oral reasoning, proper methods of refutation, and the facilitation of argumentation in group situations. Through participation in various types of in-class debates and forums on current topics, students research topics, discover issues and formulate propositions as they apply to social and personal decision-making. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: SPEEC 1100 or consent of instructor. Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 2190
Forensics Theory and Practice
3 Credit Hours

Explores the pedagogy of competitive forensics (speech, debate and performance of literature). Topics include the history of forensics, event analysis and rule interpretation, topic invention, instruction techniques for each event, rehearsal and performance methodologies, and critical methodologies. Intended for the communications major, potential or current competitor, future judge and/or future coach. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 2200 (MC 904)
Intercultural Communication
3 Credit Hours

Examines how culture influences the communication process. Investigates major theories of intercultural communication, the universal human processes that contribute to cultural differences, and the practical approaches to communicating more effectively with persons from other cultures. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: Global/Multicultural Studies (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), Human Relations (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 2210
Readers' Theater (Group Performance of Literature)
3 Credit Hours

This interactive course offers techniques in the oral presentation of literature by groups of two or more. Covers writing, adapting, acting and directing skills, and the use of readers' theater in elementary schools, counseling seminars, religious services and traditional entertainment. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), General Education: Fine Arts (A.A.S., A.G.S.), General Education: Humanities (A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 2800
Special Project
3 Credit Hours

Special project courses cover topics not otherwise covered by general education courses and other courses in the Catalog for the discipline, while building on academic knowledge and skills acquired in introductory-level classes. These courses require direct experience and focused reflection in an in-depth study of a specific discipline topic and/or the critical analysis of contemporary issues in the discipline. They are targeted to self-selected students with an interest in the subject matter and involve active participation. The course delivery incorporates an experiential component of no less than 30 percent but not to exceed 70 percent (to be determined by the disciplines). This experiential component may include field studies, interdisciplinary learning, and/or the practical application of more complex discipline-related concepts, theories, principles and methods with a specific focus. All courses require an orientation session to deliver academic and experiential information (syllabus, academic requirements, field preparation, logistics, etc.)

Prerequisite: At least one other Speech Communication course or consent of instructor. Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

SPEEC 2860
Internship (Career & Technical Ed)
1-4 Credit Hours

Course requires participation in Career and Technical Education work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 2865
Internship Advanced (Career & Tech Ed)
1-4 Credit Hours

Continuation of Internship (Career and Technical Education). Course requires participation in Career & Technical Education work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 2870
Internship (Transfer)
1-4 Credit Hours

Course requires participation in work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

SPEEC 2871
Internship - Advanced (Transfer)
1-4 Credit Hours

Continuation of Internship (Transfer). Course requires participation in work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)