ECEC 1100
Intro to the Early Childhood Profession
3 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to the field of early childhood education and care. History and philosophies of early childhood education, types of early childhood programs, positive communication and guidance, play, considerations for diversity, current DCFS licensing requirements, professional roles and responsibilities of highly qualified early childhood educators, and developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) are emphasized. Students will also explore various ways early childhood programs support children's overall development. Lab component required, which includes field observations with the following age groups in licensed child care facilities: 15-23 months, 24-35 months, 36-60 months, as well as a Kindergarten classroom with a teacher holding a Professional Educator License. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

ECEC 1101
Growth & Development of the Young Child
3 Credit Hours

An in-depth study of all aspects of child growth and development from conception through adolescence. Child development theories, current research, interrelationship of domains, and multiple influences on development including trauma, family, peers, school, culture etc. will be emphasized. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

ECEC 1102
Child Guidance Practices
3 Credit Hours

Students will examine theories, research, and best practices related to healthy social and emotional development of young children ages 0-8. Students will also learn the strategies to identify, assess, and promote heathy social and emotional development. Emphasis will be placed on positive guidance strategies that support the establishment of respectful reciprocal relationships with young children and their families. A lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent and ECEC 1101 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

ECEC 1110
Parenting and the Young Child
2 Credit Hours

A practical analysis of parent-child interaction with emphasis on understanding developmental tasks of the early childhood years. Motivation and guidance as applied to child and parent are explored. (2 lecture hours)

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

ECEC 1116
Care Infant Toddler & Two-Year Child I
3 Credit Hours

Examination of the developmental and learning needs of the infant, toddler, and two-year old child in group care, including the study of physical, social/emotional, cognitive, and language development and the exploration of child development within a socio-cultural context. Emphasis is placed on the early childhood professional's role in providing a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment that fosters the optimum growth and development of the individual child. Observation of the group care of infants and toddlers will be required. Lab component will be required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 2211, ECEC 2251, ECEC 2252, ENGLI 1101, and SPEEC 1100, all with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 1117
Care Infant, Toddler & Two-Year Child II
3 Credit Hours

Continuation of the study of development, education and care of infant, toddler and two-year-old children. The teacher's role in providing an environment that fosters the optimum growth and development of the individual child is examined. Thirty hours of laboratory work in group care of children aged six weeks to 36 months are required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1101 or ECEC 1116.

ECEC 1120
Family Child Care Management
2 Credit Hours

This course includes the practical consideration of issues and responsibilities in providing family child care for infants and young children. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 1121
Family Child Care Curriculum & Guidance
2 Credit Hours

Specialized knowledge and skills for family child care providers. Curriculum and guidance skills appropriate for the multi-age groups of children in family child care. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 1130
Methods: Discovery & the Physical World
3 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to a variety of methods for facilitating children's development in physical and logical-mathematical knowledge. Emphasis is on the early childhood educator's responsibilities in the implementation of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, blocks, and physical development and fitness. A lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 2211, and ECEC 2251, all with a grade of C or better, or equivalent and consent of instructor.

ECEC 1140
Methods: Self-Expression & Social World
3 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to a wide variety of experiences and methods for developing children's self-expression and exposing them to a variety of aspects of the social world. Emphasis is on the early childhood educator's responsibility in the implementation of developmentally appropriate literacy, dramatic play, art, social studies, and music and movement experiences. A Lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 2211, and ECEC 2251, all with a grade of C or better, or equivalent and consent of instructor.

ECEC 1151
Language and Literacy Development in a Diverse Classroom
3 Credit Hours

Students will focus on the speech and language development of young children ages 0-8, as well as the practices to individualize teaching to support language and literacy development in a diverse classroom. Typical and atypical language development, the diverse factors that influence language and literacy development, developmentally appropriate methods, materials and environments, and supporting English language learners will be emphasized. Student will complete an observation and assessment of a child. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 2211, ENGLI 1101, and SPEEC 1100 all with a grade of C or better or consent of instructor.

ECEC 1161
Multicultural Curriculum for Young Child
2 Credit Hours

Introduction to multicultural curriculum activities, materials and environments for young children. Special emphasis on applying multicultural education principles to curriculum planning. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 1162
Multicultural Perspectives Child Devlpmt
2 Credit Hours

Exploration of multicultural perspectives of child care and development. Emphasis on cultural and family factors that shape and influence the contexts in which young children develop. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 1163
Practicum: At-Risk Early Childhood Prog
1 Credit Hour

Daily participation in an at-risk early childhood program for young children. Students will assist teachers in the program under the supervision of a faculty supervisor. Students apply knowledge and practice skills gained in child care classes. Seventy-five hours of practicum required. (5 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1102, ECEC 1161, and ECEC 1162 or consent of instructor .

ECEC 1820
Selected Topics
1-3 Credit Hours

Introductory exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme. This course may be taken two times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (1 to 3 lecture hours)

ECEC 1840
Independent Study
1-4 Credit Hours

Exploration and analysis of topics within Early Childhood Education and Care to meet individual student-defined course description, goals, objectives, topical outline and methods of evaluation in coordination with and approved by the instructor. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (1 to 4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor is required.

ECEC 2201
Creative Art Activities for the Young Child
2 Credit Hours

Introduction to a variety of materials and experiences suitable for creative artistic expression of the young child. The use of various media to provide opportunities for expression and exploration is emphasized. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2203
Music and Movement for the Young Child
2 Credit Hours

An introduction to music and movement experiences for the young child. The relationship of children's developmental needs to the music and movement curriculum is explored. Students will compile resources of music and movement activities. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2204
Child Care Environment
2 Credit Hours

This course explores indoor and outdoor environments in child care centers that support the development of young children. Materials and equipment selection and room arrangement are included. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 2206
Science and Nature for the Young Child
2 Credit Hours

Introduction to theories and practice of science and nature curriculum for young children. Emphasis is placed on the planning, implementation and evaluation of developmentally appropriate activities and instructional materials. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2208
Mathematics for the Young Child
3 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to basic mathematical concepts and terminology, as well as the theories and practices, for teacher preparation in early childhood education for children ages 0-6. Students will be exposed to strategies to identify, assess, and promote mathematical understanding in young children. Emphasis will be placed on mathematical thinking, foundational mathematic skills, and the following concepts: numbers, measurement, shapes, patterns, spatial relations, and analysis of data. A lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100 and ECEC 1101, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

ECEC 2209
Developmentally Appropriate Technology
2 Credit Hours

Students will explore developmentally appropriate uses of technology for young children through age 8. Emphasis will be placed on best practice and using technology as a tool for curriculum enhancement, communication, assessment, documentation, and inclusion. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2210
The Young Child With Special Needs
2 Credit Hours

An introduction to child care services for young children (up to age 8) with special needs. Descriptions of special needs, curriculum, programs, services and current issues are included. (2 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1101 with a C or better, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 2211
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
3 Credit Hours

A comprehensive overview of current health, safety and nutritional needs of growing children. Appropriate methods to meet the needs of young children in group care settings are emphasized. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Course requires Reading Placement Category One.

ECEC 2220
Early Childhood Education Practicum
4 Credit Hours

Practicum experience in the field of Early Childhood Education. Emphasizes the practical application of principles, practices, and theories of early childhood education while working with young children in a professional setting. Students will also participate in a weekly practicum seminar. (20 clinical hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 1130, ECEC 1140, ECEC 2211, and ECEC 2251, all with a grade of C or better or equivalent and consent of instructor.

ECEC 2221
Early Childhood Administration Practicum
4 Credit Hours

Students will gain practical experience in early childhood administration while working with a child care center director, staff, young children, and families in a professional setting. Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of principles, practices, and theories of early childhood education and care. Students will complete the 300 documented hours required for the State of Illinois Director Credential-Level 1. (20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 1130, ECEC 1140, ECEC 2211, ECEC 2251, ECEC 2254, ECEC 2255, and ECEC 2256, all with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

ECEC 2226
Development of the School-Age Child
2 Credit Hours

A study of physical, cognitive and affective domains of the 6 to 12 year old child's growth and development. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2227
Guidance of the School-Age Child
2 Credit Hours

A study of guidance practices that support the development of school-age children in group settings. (2 lecture hours)

ECEC 2228
Activities for School-Age Children
2 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to the process of planning, implementing and evaluating activities for school-age children in a group setting. (1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 2230
Foundations of Early Childhood Education
3 Credit Hours

This course aligns to CDA competencies and provides an overview of basic principles of child development and learning, professionalism in the field of early childhood education and care, and fundamentals of planning and maintaining safe and healthy learning environments. Students will gain the foundational knowledge and skills for supporting children's physical, intellectual, social and emotional well being as well as for building positive and productive relationships with children and families. A lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

ECEC 2245
Preschool Methods of Intentional Teaching and Learning
4 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to a variety of methods for facilitating the preschooler's development of physical and logical-mathematical knowledge and for developing the preschooler's self-expression to various aspects of the social world. Emphasis is on the student's ability to plan, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate literacy, dramatic play, art, social studies, nature, math, STEM, and movement experiences. The student will be responsible for demonstrating how to be present, connect, and extend the children's learning. Demonstration of professional dispositions will be emphasized. A clinical component is required. Students will spend the semester in a Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) licensed early childhood classroom serving children between the ages of 3-6 (not in Kindergarten). (3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, ECEC 1102, ECEC 2211, ECEC 2251, ECEC 2252, ENGLI 1101, SPEEC 1100, Math Gen. Ed., and Science Gen. Ed. all with a grade of C or better. In addition, State of Illinois Criminal Background Check, including fingerprinting, must be passed as well as a DCFS medical background clearance with TB test and immunization clearance. This course requires consent of instructor.

ECEC 2250
Play and Learning of the Young Child
3 Credit Hours

This course explores the significance of play experiences that promote growth and learning. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the adult and the child at play, developing appropriate play experiences and facilitating play. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100 and ECEC 1101, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 2251
Curriculum Planning for the Young Child
3 Credit Hours

Students will be exposed to a comprehensive overview of developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children from birth through age eight. Planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum based on the needs and interests of young children will be emphasized. A lab component is required. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100, ECEC 1101, and ECEC 2211 all with a grade of C or better, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 2252
Child/Family/Community Relations & Resources
3 Credit Hours

Students are introduced to the knowledge and skills early childhood professionals need to build effective interrelationships with the child, family, and community by applying course content through in-class experiences and service learning. Emphasis will be placed on diverse family and community characteristics, legislation, supporting families, building partnerships, and encouraging family involvement. Programs and services for children and their families will be explored. A service learning component is required. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100 and ECEC 1101 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 2254
Administration of an Early Childhood Center - Program Operations
3 Credit Hours

An overview of early childhood program operations including legal and professional standards. Students explore licensing and accreditation standards in relation to an existing early childhood center. Design and management as well as storage and maintenance of indoor and outdoor environments are included. (3 lecture hours)

ECEC 2255
Administration of an Early Childhood Center - Practices & Procedures
3 Credit Hours

Information about the management processes of early childhood programs. Fiscal and legal structures, community outreach programs, and early childhood program marketing, public relations and promotional strategies are included. (3 lecture hours)

ECEC 2256
Administration of an Early Childhood Center - Staff, Families, & Children
3 Credit Hours

Exploration of the knowledge and skill application of early childhood program staff management and supervision. Development of effective human relations with diverse groups is described. Early childhood leadership skills and child advocacy are included. (3 lecture hours)

ECEC 2260
Early Childhood Professional
3 Credit Hours

Students will explore the dimensions of becoming an early childhood professional including ethics, relationships with colleagues, time management, advocacy, critical reflection, and career development. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ECEC 1100 and ECEC 1101, both with a grade of C or better, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

ECEC 2821
Advanced Selected Topics I
2 Credit Hours

Advanced exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in college class schedule. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (2 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: This course is designed for students nearing completion of the Early Childhood Education and Care program or for child care practitioners. Students should have attained minimum Department of Children and Family Services credit hours for a child care director position before enrolling in the course.

ECEC 2865
Internship Advanced (Career & Tech Ed)
1-4 Credit Hours

Continuation of Internship (Career and Technical Education). Course requires participation in Career & Technical Education work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the Dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

ECEC 2870
Internship (Transfer)
1-4 Credit Hours

Course requires participation in work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the Dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)