CRIMJ 1100 (CRJ 901)
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 Credit Hours

Students will study the development and principles of the American criminal justice system. An emphasis will be placed on the system's primary components of courts, police, and corrections and the relationship of these entities in the administration of criminal justice in the United States. (3 lecture hours)

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

CRIMJ 1110
Police and Society
3 Credit Hours

Students will examine the role of police in a modern society including the functions, personnel systems, operations, management, and contemporary issues of municipal, county, state, and federal law enforcement. In addition, the historical and emerging roles of law enforcement as agents of formal social control will be discussed in addition to police and community relations. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1112
Crime Prevention
3 Credit Hours

An overview of crime prevention strategies from an individual and community perspective, including a discussion and analysis of neighborhood watch programs, home security strategies and personal security tactics. School based and age-specific community crime prevention programs and the application of technology to crime prevention problems are discussed. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1130 (CRJ 911)
Introduction to Corrections
3 Credit Hours

An overview of the goals, structure and operations of correctional institutions; sentencing trends and alternatives to incarceration; probation and parole; inmate life, prisonization and institutionalization; jail administration and community correctional programs. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1135
Gangs in Society
3 Credit Hours

Students will be provided an overview of the historic evolution of gangs in American society. An emphasis will be placed on theoretical explanations of why gangs exist and youth involvement in addition to society's and the criminal justice system's response to gang activities. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1142
Private Security and Law Enforcement
3 Credit Hours

Theories and practices pertaining to the relationship between private security and public law enforcement. Exploration of how these professions share many of the same goals, such as preventing crime and disorder, identifying criminals, and ensuring the security of people and property. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1145
Introduction to Homeland Security
3 Credit Hours

An overview of the evolution of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the U.S. and an analysis of the major policies, practices, concepts, and challenges confronting the field. Modern threats from domestic, international, and transnational terrorism will be addressed along with issues stemming from other forms of geopolitical conflict and natural disasters. The roles of various agencies under the authority of the DHS as well as other government entities, private organizations, and individual citizens in responding to the modern threat landscape will be examined. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1146
Critical Infrastructure: Vulnerabilities Solutions
3 Credit Hours

A comprehensive examination of the vulnerabilities and protections surrounding America's critical infrastructure. Topics including U.S. borders, transportation sectors, finance, agriculture, and cyber platforms will be analyzed. Modes of protection through government agencies, physical security measures, and critical infrastructure policy will be addressed in the context of real and potential attacks by nefarious actors. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1147
Introduction to Domestic, International, and Transnational Terrorism
3 Credit Hours

Examination of the threats posed by domestic, international, and transnational terrorism and the complex origins, motivations, ideologies, and goals of various terrorist groups. Cultural, religious, and economic influences on terrorism will be analyzed. Topical issues will include state, political, and revolutionary terrorism, religious and apocalyptic violence, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorist tactics and targeting. International and domestic counterterrorism policies will also be considered. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1148
Emergency Management I
3 Credit Hours

Examines theories, principles, and practices of emergency management, including the related processes of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Evolution of emergency management and its practical application within government and the private sector will be addressed. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1151
Constitutional Law
3 Credit Hours

Students explore the development and history of the Federal Constitution emphasizing the Bill of Rights. Students will be introduced to the substantive and procedural content of the federal amendments and corresponding state provisions with emphasis on recent court interpretations and trends. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1100 or equivalent or CRIMJ 1152 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 1152
Criminal Law
3 Credit Hours

Students will be introduced to the development of criminal law, its organizational components and processes, as well as its legal and public policy. Students will explore instruction on elements of a crime, substantive criminal law, criminal defenses, and accountability within the judicial process. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1153
Courts, Evidence, and Mock Trial
3 Credit Hours

This course will examine how the American court system operates, analyze how the courts enforce the Federal rules governing the admissibility of evidence, and apply the rules of evidence in a mock court trial. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1151 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 1151 or consent of instructor

CRIMJ 1154
Substance Abuse and the Law
3 Credit Hours

Students will examine the most prevalent illicit and licit drugs through a historical, pharmacological, physiological assessment in order to understand their impact on the individual, their health, and society. Also reviewed are aspects of drug enforcement, adjudication, sentencing and treatment aspects as they relate to crimes involving substance abuse. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1165
Computers and Criminal Justice
3 Credit Hours

A comprehensive overview of computer-related crimes, including related reactive and proactive investigative strategies; programs involving computer technologies developed and utilized by criminal justice investigators, analysts and other professionals. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1510
Introduction to Global Justice
3 Credit Hours

Students will engage in study and research with regard to the criminal justice system in the United States and other countries. Students will visit jails, prisons, juvenile facilities, police agencies, and courts to go behind the scenes to learn how these agencies operate. Students will get to interview professionals and hear their perspectives about the field of criminal justice. In the second phase of the course, students will travel abroad for a comparative analysis. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 1520
Introduction to Death Investigations and Taphonomy
3 Credit Hours

Students will explore criminal investigations with an emphasis on death investigation. Students will also be introduced to the field of taphonomy as it relates to death investigations, forensic anthropology, and osteology. Course participants will be provided with an overview of identifying human remains, human decomposition, postmortem interval estimation, and human remains recovery. Students will travel to Knoxville, Tennessee for a field component. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Concurrent Enrollment in CRIMJ 2520 and consent of instructor. All students must be interviewed by the instructor and be clear of any felony convictions.

CRIMJ 1820
Selected Topics
3 Credit Hours

Introductory exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in college class schedule. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 1840
Independent Study
1-4 Credit Hours

Exploration and analysis of topics within the discipline to meet individual student-defined course description, goals, objectives, topical outline and methods of evaluation in coordination with and approved by the instructor. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (1 to 4 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor is required.

CRIMJ 2030
Probation and Parole
3 Credit Hours

Study the history, development, organization, and operation of probation and parole and other community corrections methods as a strategy to address criminal offenders. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 2130
Emergency Management II
3 Credit Hours

Exploration of concepts, theories, programs, and requirements of emergency preparedness, governmental planning, training, exercises, hazard and risk assessment, and team building. Students will study the relationship of preparedness to response, inter-jurisdictional emergency operations, and incident command systems. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1148 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2140
Introduction to Intelligence
3 Credit Hours

Overview of the history of the intelligence industry in the United States from its founding to the present day. Concepts, processes, tradecraft, and ethical considerations associated with U.S. intelligence operations will be explored. The specific disciplines of collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination will be examined in the context of past and current geopolitical threats, international terrorism, and wider homeland security policy. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1145 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 1145, or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2141
Intelligence Analysis
3 Credit Hours

In-depth exploration and application of structured analytic techniques within the context of current domestic and international geopolitical threats. The specific disciplines of both descriptive and predictive analysis will be examined while identifying areas of personal, professional, and institutional biases which influence analytical products. Particular attention will be paid to diagnostic, contrarian, and imaginative thinking exercises as used by professional intelligence entities. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 2140 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 2140 or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2150
Multiculturalism and Diversity
3 Credit Hours

Students will examine current issues and social problems relating to the administration of justice in a culturally diverse society. Emphasis will be placed on the development of new strategies for criminal justice personnel to meet the challenges presented by working within a diverse society. (3 lecture hours)

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), Global/Multicultural Studies (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.), Human Relations (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

CRIMJ 2160
Weapons of Mass Destruction
3 Credit Hours

An examination of major chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their precursors, delivery systems, and international proliferation trends. Identifying warning signs and symptoms of exposure will be analyzed, as well as public and private sector assets and protocols available to mitigate mass destruction events. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1145 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 1145, or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2231
3 Credit Hours

Students are introduced to theoretical explanations of crime, criminality, and society's response to antisocial and law violating behavior. Theories of crime causation are used to understand crime patterns, evaluate trends, and understand how social scientific inquiry impact research, theory, and public policy. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 2240 (CRJ 914)
Juvenile Delinquency
3 Credit Hours

Students will examine the historic context of juvenile delinquency in America. Theoretical perspectives of the causation of delinquency and criminal acts by juveniles will be studied and discussed. The overall treatment of juveniles as offenders and victims will be examined in addition to theoretical perspectives and prevention programs. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 2250
Police Organization and Administration
3 Credit Hours

Analysis of classical and current law enforcement organizational patterns, including an overview of the administrative processes within police agencies and management theories as applied to law enforcement administration. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 2310
Introduction to Criminal and Forensic Investigations
3 Credit Hours

Students will study the fundamentals of criminal investigations, rules of evidence, collection and preservation of evidence, and the recording of crime scenes. Students will examine the techniques of forensic science as it relates to crime scene investigations, the proper steps in the chain of custody as it relates to evidence, and how evidence is processed at crime scenes and presented in court. (3 lecture hours)

CRIMJ 2410
Violent Crime
3 Credit Hours

Overview of theories to explain violence, methods used in the scientific study of violence, and important research findings about correlates, patterns, processes, and trends related to criminal violence. Exploration of case studies related to violence. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1100 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2510
Global Justice Field Study
3 Credit Hours

Students will compare and contrast British and American criminal justice systems. Participants will have an opportunity to explore British police, courts, and correctional facilities on a 12-14 day visit to the United Kingdom. In addition, students will experience British culture from a contemporary and historical perspective. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 1510. All students must be interviewed by the instructor and be clear of any criminal convictions. Students must also have or be able to obtain a valid passport.

CRIMJ 2520
Death Investigations/Taphonomy Field Study
3 Credit Hours

Students will travel to Knoxville, Tennessee for five days and participate in a field study regarding taphonomy, oseteology, and forensic anthropology as they relate to the human death process. The course will be offered through the Forensic Anthropology Department at the University of Tennessee. Students will participate in classroom exercises, field work at the Anthropological Research Facility, and present their research and course work formally to class peers and University staff. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: ANTHR 2400 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent and concurrent enrollment in CRIMJ 1520, and consent of instructor. All students must be interviewed by the instructor and be clear of any felony convictions.

CRIMJ 2820
Selected Topics
3 Credit Hours

Advanced exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in college class schedule. This course may be taken four times for credit as long as different topics are selected. (3 lecture hours)

Prerequisite: CRIMJ 1100 or consent of instructor.

CRIMJ 2860
Internship (Career & Technical Ed)
1-4 Credit Hours

Course requires participation in Career and Technical Education work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.

Course types: Contemporary Life Skills (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.)

CRIMJ 2865
Internship Advanced (Career & Tech Ed)
1-4 Credit Hours

Continuation of Internship (Career and Technical Education). Course requires participation in Career & Technical Education work experience with onsite supervision. Internship learning objectives are developed by student and faculty member, with approval of employer, to provide appropriate work-based learning experiences. Credit is earned by working a minimum of 75 clock hours per semester credit hour, up to a maximum of four credits. (5 to 20 lab hours)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 12 semester credits earned in a related field of study; students work with Career Services staff to obtain approval of the internship by the dean from the academic discipline where the student is planning to earn credit.